Collegium Phaenomenologicum 2018—Aristotle on Phusis, Psuchê, and Anthrôpos (July 9-27th, Città di Castello, Italy)
Collegium Phaenomenologicum 2018—Aristotle on Phusis, Psuchê, and Anthrôpos
July 9-27th, Città di Castello, Italy
Directed by Sean D. Kirkland, DePaul University
The topic of the 2018 Collegium Phaenomenologicum will be the Thought of Aristotle. The Collegium will convene once again in Città di Castello, in Umbria, Italy, from July 9-27th. And this year participants will attend courses, hear lectures, and participate in text seminars on various texts in the Aristotelian corpus addressing the themes of phusis, psuchê, and anthrôpos. They will watch as the human being emerges in relation to (as an extension of or even perhaps in a certain opposition to) the way of being of natural beings in general. There will be a “Zôê-Drawing” course for participants with artist-in-residence Matthew Girson and weekend trips to Orvieto and Ravenna.
For information on how to apply, see web site
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